Guildford Coastal Cruising Clu


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  • 14 Feb 2025 11:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Weren't we the lucky ones?? Tom Cunliffe on top form .... what a pleasure to listen to a master Tale-teller of nautical shenanigans.

    And, even if you weren't able to join us ...... follow the link below to get a flavour of a truly enjoyable evening.

    Talk Report - Living Through the Gale - Tom Cunliffe 110225.pdf

  • 27 Jan 2025 17:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our Members are so important to the welfare of our Club .... and what better demonstration of this fact than hearing a Talk, by a Member couple, that focussed on their 10 years of organising GCC Summer Cruises?

    To read about the details, and see some of the shenanigans that our Members get up to on foreign shores .... follow this link:

    Talk Report - Celebrating 10 Years of GCCC Summer Cruises 0125.pdf

    Talk Report - Celebrating 10 Years of GCCC Summer Cruises 0125.pdf

  • 18 Nov 2024 18:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It was difficult to believe the noise levels as Members gathered at the club!! Everybody seemed to be so excited …. although how could they not be excited …. the thought of their chosen Pot Luck dish for supper, then to be followed by a ShottandArmstrong Cheese Tasting Special!

    The bar was busy …. thank you to Alan and Elizabeth Hickman for their sterling service …. and it took a lot of ship’s-bell ringing to gain any semblance of order. Supper was served.

    In fact, we had all made our prior choices from a Fish Pie, Chicken Curry or Vegetarian Shepherds/Cottage Pie (Musing out loud …. what is the Vegetarian name for a Shepherds/Cottage Pie? Might it be an Allotment Pie?). And how delicious they were …  and … as usual, there was plenty, so you could have seconds and taste the ones you hadn’t chosen! .

    All followed by a choice of three delicious home-made desserts and cream or custard. On both courses, the lovely “Pancakes R’ Us” ladies exceeded even their own very highly-set standards. Well done and Thank You.

    Again it took lots of bell-ringing to get people to stop talking long enough for Jane and Paul to get a few words in about the fun to follow. There was even heckling from some quarters – “Get on with it!”. Teams were “organised” (it was a bit like pushing fog up a steep hill with a sharp stick!), and so the show commenced. Jane started each round with a “Cheesy Fact”.

    A team member was blindfolded. A taster portion of cheese was then brought out and the type, country and source animal, together with a personal score out of 10 was written down on a scorecard. The rest of the team then had their own pieces of cheese, and similar questions to answer, as well as writing a description and the opportunity to play a Joker Card.

    Although a little hesitant at first, the teams rapidly got into the swing of things and much laughter was heard and many stories were overheard. After 6 rounds, so 6 different cheeses, the scores on the doors were totalled. Really you needed to be there to know who was in which team, but in case you absolutely need to know who won ……

    • o   The most highly scored cheese was Roquefort, followed by a Cheddar from Rudgwick in Sussex called Sussex Charmer.
    • o   The cheapest cheese was a Gouda, the most expensive was the Roquefort.
    • o   The Cheesy Cheesy Cheap Cheap team were the winners, not least because they played both their Jokers perfectly to gain extra points.
    • o   The Mickey Mouse team came a respectable second, and both teams won a box of chocolates for their troubles.
    • o   Mention must be made of the Stinking Archbishops, the Cheesy McCheese Faces, the Old Goats, and the Mousetrap Gang. Without you lot taking part there would be no losers!!

    Seriously, it all seemed like lots of fun, and all 28 members carried on chattering as the tables and chairs were quickly rearranged. So much noise ……..

  • 05 Nov 2024 11:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Tuesday 29th October, and organised by Jan Baynham, some 17 members attended, along with 2 visitors that had spotted that our club exists, by way of seeing a “What’s On in Guildford” press release. The power of (non paid-for) advertising!

    On the initial round-table introductions I found it fascinating to find out how many members are “quiet” charterers! They may have a UK based boat, but that doesn’t stop them enjoying the warmer waters and climate of far-off chartering locations as well.

    A number of topics were put up for discussion, and through the course of the evening all were covered, but not necessarily in the order in which they were laid out! Maintenance and general condition of the boats that has been chartered was a prevailing moan/complaint/concern/worry – but often offset by pretty good support systems, and of course picnic lunches in small bays at anchor with a warm-water swim afterwards. For some, a key part of the enjoyment was sailing, and then socialising in company at a meal in the evening. (I was minded that this sounds a lot like our Summer Rallies, except for the swimming bit!!)

    The variety of different chartering models, size of organisations involved, locations were quite mind-opening. Bareboat, flotilla, delivery trips … between the attendees, someone had experience of them all, and it was delightful that so many members did come along with the intention of sharing their experience and knowledge.

    It was informal in style and enjoyable to take part in. Well done Jan for organising and fronting the evening!!

    The next planned Workshop is on Night-Sailing, on Tuesday 4th February 2025. Put the date in your diary now!

  • 20 Sep 2024 10:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    OK, OK, I didn't attend, and it must have slipped between the cracks in my administrative pavement, but seeing as Tony Atkins went to the trouble of writing it, and now that it has risen to the surface, I present it here for your delectation and delight.

    Follow the link to read the detail ..........Folly Rally May 2024 TA.pdf

    Enjoy, and thank you Tony.

  • 28 May 2024 16:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What do you think? Easy enough? What happened??

    To find out all the glory detail, you need to follow the link here ......

    Skipper Stowaway Day-Sail Weekend NEWS Version 0524.pdf

    Will there be a next time?

  • 09 Apr 2024 10:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    MDL Marinas and our return partner  DP World invite you to take part in the grand homecoming parade for Maiden and her crew

    We are thrilled to announce that the  2024 South Coast & Green Tech Boat Show will feature a special welcome home parade for the crew of Maiden from 08.00 Saturday 20th April, marking a jubilant highlight at this year’s show.

    Renowned for its showcase of global power and sail brands and sustainable boating solutions, the South Coast & Green Tech boat show will celebrate and honour the epic journey of world-famous Maiden and her intrepid all-female crew.

    Following a six-year World Tour, raising awareness and funds for Girls’ Education around the world, and seven months competing in her last round the world race, Maiden will be returning to our flagship  Ocean Village Marina, from where she departed on her epic 27,000-mile global navigation last September. The iconic marina offers the perfect backdrop to host the illustrious vessel for a celebration to remember.

    We are inviting all boat owners and skippers to join in with the official homecoming parade, taking place in front of thousands of show goers and other spectators, as well as the local and national press. Offering some of the best vantage points to view Maiden’s arrival, boats in the harbour are in prime position to soak up the exciting atmosphere.

    Boat owners and skippers are invited to participate by joining the flotilla alongside Maiden for the Parade of Sail as she makes her way from Cowes to Ocean Village. The welcome home parade aims to recreate the triumphant scene of Maiden's legendary homecoming to Ocean Village Marina in 1990, skippered by iconic sailor Tracy Edwards MBE alongside the first ever all-female crew after their ground-breaking finish in the Whitbread Round the World Race, changing the face of sailing for women around the world and inspiring them to follow their dreams.

    Leading provider of smart logistics solutions, DP World is the Return Partner and title sponsor of The Maiden Factor, championing Maiden and her crew throughout their epic world tour and race. The monies raised through The Maiden Factor Foundation charity have benefited charities around the world, helping to inspire and empower girls through education, which neatly ties in with DP World’s ‘Our World, Our Future’ sustainability strategy, focussing on three legacy areas: Women, Education and Water.


    If you're unable to join the Parade of Sail, then you can still book tickets aboard Ocean Scene to welcome Maiden home to Southampton as she finishes her six-year World Tour and final ever race.


    Images: © The Maiden Factor - Kaia Bint Savage and
    © Kurt Arrigo/Jarhead Young Sailors

    Copyright © 2024 Marina Developments Limited, all rights reserved.

  • 05 Mar 2024 10:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What a packed evening this promised to be.

    You needed to be there, really you did!!

    To read the full Report, please click on this link ...........

    New Members, Launch of 2024 Summer Rally Programme, Summer Cruise Update 0324.pdf

  • 27 Feb 2024 11:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Talk Report - Ropes & Rigging - "What can go Wrong?" - Martin Bean of Spencer Rigging, Cowes

    Complete with a box containing examples of broken and damaged rigging bits, Martin turned up smiling, knowing that he was going to challenge the audience to diagnose and solve a good number of rigging issues, all caught on camera.

    Were we all experts by the end of the evening??

    You'll need to read the full Report. Click on this link ....

    Talk Report - Ropes and Rigging - What can go Wrong 270224.pdf

  • 23 Feb 2024 17:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A reasonable number of people came along to the Papercourt Clubhouse to hear of other skipper's tales of woe and anguish, but to be honest, everyone had tales to tell!!

    It was a very interesting evening, with plenty of laughter. No names (well, not many) will be mentioned in the Report, which can be found if you follow this link:

    Workshop How did that Happen PA 230224.pdf

    Our next Talk is by Martin Bean, from Spencer Rigging regarding "Rope and Rigging - What can possibly Go Wrong?".

    Tuesday 27th February 2024, usual time 20:00, usual place, and it will also be on Zoom, with a link being sent out on Sunday.

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