Guildford Coastal Cruising Clu


Club news & other items of general boating interest

Members wishing to comment on any news item should use the Club's Discussion Forum

  • 07 Oct 2018 16:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Have a good look around the Club website and familiarise yourself with what’s available. Here are a few reminders ...

    News - keep an eye on the Home page 'News box' for items of general interest. If you can contribute anything useful then please contact

    Rally reports - read about what you did or didn’t miss on the season’s rallies.

    Photos - (members only) share your sailing photos with other members, including photos from the Summer Cruise.

    Rally Programme - see what’s coming up by visiting the Home page, or the Sailing events page for a full season’s description.

    Rally attendances - (members only) keep up to date with the season's rally attendance list, who's been where and who’s in line for a Club trophy.

    Winter Talks -see what’s coming up by visiting the Home page, or the Winter talks page for a full description.

    Forums & Posts - (members only) you can post and comment on topics on the Discussion forum, you can reply to posts on the Stowaway Register forum and on both you can subscribe to receive update emails. On the others you can just post and make comments.

    Your 'Profile' - (members only) please update your details by logging in and clicking on your name at the top LH side of any webpage.

    Contact for any other things you would like to see included.

  • 23 Sep 2018 10:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Robin Knox-Johnston in Conversation: Running Free

    On Friday 12 October at 6:30 pm Robin Knox-Johnston is presenting his new autobiography at the Guildford Book Festival.

    He talks about his life including that remarkable voyage, where he was the only sailor to finish the race, and a second solo circumnavigation of the globe in 2007, at the age of 68. He also reveals how he spied for the British Government.

    For full details and booking -

  • 17 Sep 2018 19:09 | Anonymous member

    MAIB (Marine Accident Investigation Branch) has reported on the failure of a batch of rescue throw bags.  To ensure that a throw bag rescue line is ‘fit for purpose’ it is recommended that:-

    ● The entire length should be examined for joins or other discontinuities by feeling along the line with bare hands to identify rough patches or lumps and, if any are found, the line should be removed from service and the supplier informed.

    ● Knots, splices or other methods of securing the ends of the rescue line should also be checked for integrity.

    ● Throw bags should be exercised at regular intervals to ensure the line deploys freely when required.  Full details are available on the following link:-

  • 27 Aug 2018 22:00 | Anonymous member

    Congratulations to Andrew Barlow (GCCC Club Secretary) and crew of ‘Danu’ on being awarded the Wight Trophy 2018 in competition with YOSC for best annual timed trial around the Isle of Wight’s southern coast.   Read all about it here!

  • 19 Aug 2018 23:34 | Anonymous member

    MMSI Numbers
    How useful are they?

    The club’s recent VHF Workshop prompted a valuable trial ‘on the water’ for both Individual and Group DSC calling using MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) Numbers.

    To benefit from DSC (digital selective calling) members are advised to:

    • Show their Individual MMSI No. on the club website for other members to call them up.
    • Store the club's Group MMSI No. 023200070 in their VHF set as well as their own Individual MMSI No.

    Tony Atkins, who initiated the trial, has produced a document outlining the findings which can be found here.

    A brief summary about the club's Group MMSI No. can be found in the 'Rally & Cruise Information' area of the club website.   Consult your VHF manual for instructions on how to use DSC.   Rally Officers are encouraged to use DSC as a way of keeping members 'up to speed' when on rally!

    Leon Barbour

  • 01 Aug 2018 10:24 | Anonymous member

    Who should you call?

    The Cruising Association confirms with Coastguard (MCA) that "Radio checks with HMCG should not be a first resort as it ties up the air wave and increases operator workload.”    Furthermore, “checks with other vessels or shore stations at 1W power and at a distance of around 8 miles provide a much better test of antenna and radio set performance” and that “radio checks should be carried out primarily with marinas and other shore stations or with other vessels. National Coastwatch Institute shore stations are usually well placed for such calls which should be made on Channel 65".
  • 25 Jul 2018 10:45 | Anonymous member

    A personal half-yearly view

    Wow, what a blazing summer - long may it last; ideal for sailing, but the gardens are parched and hosepipe bans are already appearing.

    No matter, the rally season is well underway and the club’s annual two-week summer cruise in June (this time to the Channel Is & N Brittany) was again a great success; a fleet of eight boats competently headed up by Tony Atkins (Past Commodore 2013-15) in ‘Sarinah’ - read all about it in Rally & Cruise Reports.   Let’s hope another volunteer comes forward to plan next year’s cruise (‘Going East’ ??); there’s plenty of help available!

    I must own up to missing out on being one of those ‘Greenhorn' contenders who make our rallies so successful and who hold the whole summer programme together.  Well done to Chris for setting up the programme and for updating the attendees spreadsheet on our club website.   Also well done to our valued Rally Officers who keep the venues informed about our registrant’s details.

    I’m really looking forward to the next rally at Lymington - ten boats registered and the rally now full; but I guess latecomers can always try booking ‘independently’!

    I was pleased to see another of our ‘anchoring-in-company’ midweek rallies take shape - attracting four boats to a rendezvous at Newtown Creek.  No doubt the combination of fine weather and tranquil surroundings was a big draw.  The report should be interesting, especially as we’ve not had a one since S’ton Town Quay!  Where are our budding reporters?  And a few pics would be useful!

    I gather the club’s annual Summer BBQ was a triumph, held in glorious sunshine with a record (i.e. best ever!) turnout to date.   And such a great outlook over the clubhouse lake.   So sorry I couldn't be there - but you all know why.  And I still get flak for it!

    Jan Baynham’s introduction of ‘Workshops’ adds to the club's continuing development and helps promote growth in our membership; novel ideas are always sought and the Committee is pleased to receive them - so please keep 'em coming!

    By way of a little history, our website now sports a list of Past Commodores stretching back to the club’s origins in 1973.   Many thanks to Shaun Atkins and Martin Lodge for jogging their memories and digging out the old files.   Finding out about other 'Past Officers' proved more challenging, but is still open to offers!

    With plenty of sailing yet to enjoy we can put off any thoughts about the Laying-up Supper and launch of our exciting Winter Programme in October.

    The club appears at peace with itself and enjoying the fruit of it’s labours.

    Happy Days,


  • 23 Jul 2018 14:48 | Anonymous member

    From 11 July this year, HM Coastguard’s CG66 safety identification scheme will have transferred to RYA SafeTrx for all Search and Rescue (SAR) operations within UK territorial waters.   Enhanced functionality is available when SafeTrx is used in conjunction with an optional mobile app.  RYA SafeTrx is free, irrespective of RYA membership.  

    More information about RYA SafeTrx is available here.

    Registration with SafeTrx can be established in either of two ways:-

    Existing information on the CG66 database will be retained and used by Search and Rescue alongside SafeTrx data for the next two years. Register with SafeTrx if your current CG66 information is no longer valid.

    Contact to remove your existing information from the current  CG66 database.

  • 06 Jul 2018 09:41 | Anonymous member

    The Struggle Continues:

    As part of their continuing campaign and need for hard data, the Cruising Association and RYA are keen for small boat pleasure users to report any incidents they encounter with lobster pots.

    Please send details of any such incidents either by email to the CA office on or via the RYA reporting form at

  • 02 Jun 2018 12:29 | Anonymous member

    Starts July 1st, marking the 50th anniversary of the first single-handed sailor to complete a non-stop voyage around the world.  A prize of £5000 was additionally awarded for the fastest voyage.

    Of the original nine entrants only Robin Knox-Johnston finished, taking both prizes - the Golden Globe Trophy and the £5000!    

    Read all about it in ‘A Voyage for Madmen’ by Peter Nichols (2001),  ISBN0-06-019764-1 : Harper Collins. Best read ever about the original 1968 race.

    Follow the link for regular updates

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